HTML5 - Fonts Reference

HTML5 - Fonts Reference

Fonts are specific to platform. If you are using different OS then you will have different look and feel of any web page. Here we are giving a list of fonts which are available to various operating systems.
HTML <FONT> tag is deprecated in version 4.0 onwards and now all fonts are set by using CSS. Here is the simple syntax of setting font of a body of web page.
body { font-family: "new century schoolbook"; }
<body style="font-family:new century schoolbook;" >
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Fonts for Microsoft OS and Browsers:

Andale MonoArialArial Bold
Arial ItalicArial Bold ItalicArial Black
Comic Sans MSComic Sans MS BoldCourier New
Courier New BoldCourier New ItalicCourier New Bold Italic
GeorgiaGeorgia BoldGeorgia Italic
Georgia Bold ItalicImpactLucida Console
Lucida Sans UnicodeMarlettMinion Web
SymbolTimes New RomanTimes New Roman Bold
Times New Roman ItalicTimes New Roman Bold ItalicTahoma
Trebuchet MSTrebuchet MS BoldTrebuchet MS Italic
Trebuchet MS Bold ItalicVerdanaVerdana Bold
Verdana ItalicVerdana Bold ItalicWebdings
You can have more information on Microsoft Fonts at
You can check example fonts here:Microsoft Fonts Examples

Fonts for Macintosh Systems:

Following is the list of fonts supported by Macintosh System 7 and higher versions
American TypewriterAndale MonoApple Chancery
ArialArial BlackBrush Script
BaskervilleBig CaslonComic Sans MS
CopperplateCourier NewGill Sans
Lucida GrandeMarker FeltOptima
Trebuchet MSVerdanaWebdings
OsakaPapyrusTimes New Roman
TextileZapf DingbatsZapfino
TechnoHoefler TextSkia
Hoefler Text OrnamentsCapitalsCharcoal
You can check example fonts here: Mac Fonts Examples

Fonts for Unix Systems:

Following is the list of fonts supported by most Unix System variants
Lucida brightLucida TypewriterNew Century Schoolbook
You can check example fonts here: Unix Fonts Examples
HTML5 - Fonts Reference HTML5 - Fonts Reference Reviewed by Cadotz media on October 06, 2018 Rating: 5